quarta-feira, maio 11, 2005

Os que escrevem sobre a Bugiada - II

Encontrei no weblog Adverb, de um americano "expatriado" em Portugal (de facto, alguém que se apaixonou por uma jornalista portuguesa), esta referência à festa de Sobrado, datada de 24 de Junho de 2003 (as fotos que colheu não se encontram disponíveis, presentemente):

"Missed the hammerfest last night, but made it to the Festa de S. João in the neighboring village of S. João de Sobrado today for the Procissão de S. João. (Procession of St. John) and the Dança Entrada de Mour e Bugios (Dancing Entrance of the Moors and the Bugios). The event is a parade, half religious and half, if I understand it correctly, a celebration of the role played by the Bugios in the defeat of the Moors in Portugal during the Middle Ages.No one I spoke to today had a clear idea of exactly who or what the Bugios were, or what role they played in defeating the Moors, but in the Dança Entrada de Mour e Bugios segment of the parade the Bugios were represented by a hundred or so men dressed in bright red costumes and a variety of festive masks. The program stated that both the Bugios and the Moors would 'enter dancing', but I couldn't tell who was supposed to be a Moor since they all wore essentially the same bright red military-style costume. Maybe the distinction was in the masks since I doubt that a Moor ever wore a bright red military uniform.An image of the religious portion of the parade. The icon is S. João."

1 comentário:

tsiwari disse...

Interessante esta maneira de ver a festa, por um olhar estrangeiro.
Fica a sensação da (ainda) pouca divulgação/explicação do que toda aquela "mise en scène" representa, apesar dos livros que escreve(m) e da voz off durante todo o dia de S. João...
Cumprimentos e parabéns pela dedicação à causa ;)